About the author | MD - MARC DIBOWSKI

Marc Dibowski, born in 1973, performs magic for children and adults. In germany he published some bestselling books on the topic children´s magic and magic performances. 
Also he is specialized on close-up-magic for business events and private parties.
He works for big companies, business clients and private parties.
At the moment he performs a lot of more for adults than for children.

His book "Christmas Magic" is his first publication in the english language.
Marc Dibowski does magic as a semi-professional. His main job is teacher at an elementary school in a big city in germany. He studied mathematics, religious education, paed. education and german.
His wife Yvonne teaches magic to adults and kids (www.zauberina.de) and www.mobile-zauberschule.de

Both are qualified members of the Magic Circle of germany (Magischer Zirkel von Deutschland).

Zauberina-Magicschool. Zauberina-Zauberworkshop Zaubern Lernen Kinder Erwachsene.

Mehr zu Marc Dibowski in deutscher Sprache: KLICK! Zauberer Betriebsfest buchen

You can find Marcs Homepage here (only in german language): www.dibowski.com 

The book CHRISTMAS MAGIC ("Magic with a christmas theme", 2012) is his first publication in the english language.Check the Review section for REVIEWS "Christmas Magic"  Magic with a christmas theme by Marc Dibowski. Find more Magic Tricks for Christmas!
In 2013 his innovative magic concept "QR" will appear on the english market.

Marc Dibowskis "Magic With A Christmas Theme" - order here.

His book on Selling Your Act in german language will be available sometime in 2018/2019 in english language.

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Marc Dibowski

The author with his wife Yvonne

Her websites:


Marc Dibowski ist im Netz zu finden:

Zauberer Betriebsfest Marc Dibowski

Spezialisierter Zauberer für Hochzeit: Marc Dibowski HochzeitszauberKunst

Zauberer am Tisch buchen

Yvonne Dibowski: Mobile Zauberschule Zauberworkshop NRW